Welcome to GCH Guitar Academy
free online guitar lessons
click here to subscribe to our YouTube channel
This is the official GCH Guitar Academy YouTube channel support website. Here you will find the PDF eBooks to accompany the video guitar lessons on YouTube. I have also put all the YouTube videos in order so you can follow the lessons more easily.
First steps guitar course and Book 2 of the Fingerstyle course
is now finished and ready for download FREE
The original GCH Guitar Academy guitar course is an award winning, guitar course in PDF format. The guitar lessons are set out in weeks, months and years so you can learn to play guitar in the same way you would if you were having guitar lessons on a weekly basis.
Now we have a number of short video guitar courses on a number of subjects. Fingerstyle, blues scales and modal classical scales.
These guitar lessons are paid for by advertising and donations. Hopefully I will continue to find the finance to provide free guitar tuition well into the future. If you'd like to see new guitar lessons please support the website by sharing it with as many people as you can and subscribe to the YouTube channel GCH Guitar Academy
About GCH Guitar Academy |
Get started learning guitar, click on the 'Guitar Lessons' button
then click on the 'Right Handed' or 'Left Handed' button
depending on how you play the guitar. Here you will find individual guitar lessons or you can follow a complete guitar course.
The lessons are in eBook and/or the video format.

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